I start out with what I had always considered my favorite deli's: Genova. During college, at least once a week I would go here when hungover and get a sandwich. After numerous trips, I have decided on the sandwich below as my favorite, barely beating out the CHM Special #2 (to be reviewed at a later date. On to the sandwich:
As you all know I love the cured Italian meats and Genova's has a fine selection. Their prosciutto is flavorful, salty, and delicious. You can tell it is real parma proscut and not that knock-off bullshit stuff that other cheaper delis serve.
The coppa is also solid. Ain't nothing better than solid. It goes well with the prosciutto. I don't get the hot coppa because I think it overpowers the other meat.
I order double meat and its a solid amount of cured pork. Close to 2/3 a pound. This sandwich would get like 3 pickles without getting double meat. Stupid deli that weighs stuff.
Fresh Sourdough. There are two options here, sourdough (which my GF mistakenly got) and the freshly baked sourdough (for 25 cents more who can say no). Bread is good, not great. It isn't warm but you can tell it is fresh. The crust is firm and the inside soft. Overall a good piece of sourdough, not great though.
Value (20):
The base price on this sandwich is $6.75. But it's all the extras that kill the value. Mendocino Mustard 25 cents, fresh sourdough 25 cents, double meat costs a coupla of bucks. At the end the sandwich was around $10 (I am not sure how much it was exactly because I got a bunch of other stuff). Genova's has a weird pricing system. I have been ordering the same sandwich for 6 years and I have never been charged the same price twice. So value this trip: six pickles.
Spread (10):
Mendocino Mustard is the reigning best mustard in my opinion and Genova's has it. It is awesome. They also put a pretty light layer of mayo on there. The mustard is perfect and the mayo does its job without doing anything more
Fixings (10):
- Shredded lettuce
- peperoncinis
- Red onion
- Kosher Pickle slices
Fresh buffalo mozzarella is awesome. Sooo rich and creamy. And they don't skimp on it either.
Originality (5):
Pretty standard Italian sandwich. They do have some special sandwiches that warrant a few points but nothing out of the ordinary really
Sandwich shop/creator (5):
The help here has gotten worse. It used to be a few cute girls and a bunch of old Italian guys making sandwiches. They put time and care into the sandwich and knew that a sandwich aficionado like myself enjoys copious amounts of coppa on my sandwich. Now they have your standard sandwich makers who weigh out the meat and are just grinding away at their 9-5.
The deli its self is solid. Good selection of drinks and other stuff, amazing sides (try the artichoke balls they are the best food on earth)
Total Points: 60.5
All-in-all a poor showing by Genova's. Counter help and the value really killed them. Bread didn't help the cause either. Ms. Honey Mustard enjoyed her sandwich, pictures of her turkey on sourdough below. Notice the lack of cheese and the tomato, we don't share the same sandwich views.